Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sleeping Like a Baby Through the Night

Many Americans have difficulty sleeping throughout the night soundly. Whether noises wake them up, their own thoughts, or something else it seems as though, for many adults, there’s always something to disrupt the body’s natural sleep pattern. Unfortunately, sleeping is absolutely necessary for many bodily functions to occur, including muscle regeneration, the expulsion of certain free radicals, and the repair or replacement of many white blood cells. Additionally, having sleepless nights may hinder certain foods from being digested fully and certain collagenweight loss products from taking effect. The good news is there are several strategies you can use to keep your body sleeping throughout the night.


Just like any other activity, it’s easier for your body to do it on a schedule. If you eat at a certain time during your workday there will be subtle hints that your body will pick up on and start to become hungry during the same time each day. This happens with sleep as well. If you decide to go to bed at 10:30 pm every day, make sure it is always the time you go to sleep. Eventually you won’t even have to think about it. Before you know it, 10:30 pm will be your body’s natural bedtime. This rule also applies to times when you are waking up.

Keep Your Bedroom Electronic-Free

This will be the hardest rule for some people, but keeping your bedroom free of distracting electronics, like TVs and your cell phone, is absolutely necessary for many people to go to sleep. This is because many people will frequently mess around with their televisions or cell phones before they go to sleep and repeatedly check it throughout the night. This trains the brain to need to check it frequently in bed and sometimes can wake you up.

Eat Healthy and Exercise

Eating healthy and exercising are no-brainers for this list. Eating too much sugar or drinking too much caffeine at bad times will send your body mixed messages about whether it should be awake or asleep. While some products, like Lose andSnooze weight loss, are able to help with sleeping in some respects, making sure that you are exercising to release your body’s natural endorphins and adrenaline throughout the day will allow you to continue to sleep throughout the night.


Trying to use different, natural methods to reduce stress in your life can pay back in the long run and will help you get a more restful sleep throughout the night. Whether your favorite method of reducing stress is reading a book, watching a movie, yoga, or meditation, make sure you’re taking a little time out of your day for yourself.

See a Sleep Specialist

If you’re running into chronic sleep problems that are affecting your life on a daily basis, it may be a pre-existing medical condition that should be checked out by a doctor. Many times, they will test your sleep habits with non-invasive machinery that you can take home and use in your own bed. It will measure your position, whether your body is awake or asleep, oxygen levels, and many other bodily functions that can help determine if your trouble sleeping is due to some mental block that good habits can help; or if it’s an actual physical problem, such as sleep apnea.

By using even a few of these tips, you should be able to find yourself not only going to sleep quicker when you want to go to sleep, but also staying asleep throughout the night. This will, in turn, lead to more rested days and a general feeling of well-being that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.

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