Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Tie-Ins Between Sleep and Weight Loss

Did you know that the quality and amount of sleep you get impact your weight? It is absolutely true. For so many reasons, people who have healthy sleep cycles also tend to have healthy weight. Why is this? Why is it that sleep plays such an important role in weight? Scientists have uncovered some specific tie-ins and are working to reveal the rest of the reasons why some people can “lose and snooze.”

Tiredness Leads to Temptation

Think about it, when you are tired, do you crave delicious junk foods? Do you tend to sit comforting (and calorie-ridden) mochas and lattes? When the body is tired, it sends signals to the brain that it needs a little something extra to get through the day. The brain interprets this as the perfect excuse to indulge in high-calorie, low-nutrition junk foods.
In addition, when it is sleep deprived, the body does not produce the hormone leptin, which helps the brain to recognize that you have eaten enough. In effect, not getting enough sleep basically shuts down the body’s regulatory processes and turns you into an all-you-can-eat machine.

The Body is Busy During Sleep

During the third and fourth stages of sleep, the body repairs soft tissues such as muscles. In addition, blood supply to muscles increases, delivering the vital nutrients muscles need. Also during this stage, essential hormones enter the system, including those that facilitate muscle rebuilding. Metabolism does drop slightly during sleep, when the body is physically inactive. However, average metabolism actually increases due to regulated hormones and more muscle mass.

What is Lose and Snooze?

During deep sleep cycles, the nutrition supplement, Lose and Snooze, does its magical work. It works off the body’s natural processes that occur during sleep to help the body rebuild muscle as well as enjoy a healthy deep sleep cycle. When people try lose and snooze, they sleep longer and deeper, which allows muscles to rebuild and increases metabolism.
In addition, getting enough sleep also helps to reduce temptation to eat junk foods and increase production of leptin, which tells you to stop eating. It is a win-win solution that often results in natural, healthy weight loss.

Friday, May 24, 2013

3 Weight Loss Tips - that may seem a little crazy

Weight loss is a tricky matter. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and it seems like everybody has a solution to sell you. Purists say the only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. Cosmetic surgeons tell you that you can lose weight without changing a thing about your life. Some people know that you can lose and snooze! While exercise and diet are crucial, there are crazy-sounding things you can do to lose weight.

Eat a Hearty Breakfast
The body spends a lot of energy at night rebuilding itself. When you wake up in the morning, it is depleted. If you do not give your brain and body any food, it starts a cycle of panic that leaves you prone to temptation later in the day. You also miss the chance to stimulate your metabolism. A hearty breakfast consisting of whole grains, protein, and healthy fats can do wonders for the mind. Plus, it tells the body not to panic, which reduces stress levels and revs up the metabolism.

Eat a Leisurely Meal with Loved Ones
It takes the brain about 20 minutes to recognize the stomach is full. If you eat a rushed meal, chances are that you are eating too much. Enjoying a leisurely meal with loved ones is also a great way to de-stress, reconnect and relax. It also contributes to lower stress levels, which makes it easier to sleep.

Get enough sleep
Sleep is the time when the body regenerates. The body naturally rebuilds muscle tissues and fights off diseases during deep sleep cycles. Muscle tissues are responsible for driving the metabolism. So it is actually possible to “lose and snooze.”

Many people are waking up to the fact that diet and exercise are not enough. For some people, even stringent diet and vigorous exercise will not result in sufficient weight loss. There are many factors that contribute to weight gain and make weight loss a challenge. Unique supplements such as lose and snooze are helping people overcome these challenges and lose weight.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Top 5 Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is one of the base materials that form our muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues. Collagen is naturally produced in the body, but it can also be taken in through diet or supplements. As we age, we produce less and less collagen every year. It is why our skin wrinkles and why our joints are less flexible than they once were. Collagen is essential in the production of lean muscles, which is why you often find it in weight loss supplements such as lose and snooze. Here are some of the key benefits of collagen:
  1. Rebuilds muscle tissue. The body produces collagen by using vitamin C and protein. It may also re-metabolize collagen from meats. The molecules diffuse themselves together to create fibrils. The fibrils then latch onto muscle fibers to help rebuild them. This is the main principle that makes lose and snooze work.
  2. Rebuilds connective tissue. The process for rebuilding connective tissue is similar to that of rebuilding muscles. Collagen particles fuse together then latch onto connective tissues such as knees and elbow joints.
  3. Skin is more elastic and young looking. When you give the body collagen, it uses it to beautify your skin. With enough collagen, you may notice that wrinkles diminish and skin smooths  It is an unintended side effect for many users of lose and snooze.
  4. Hair and nails are thicker and healthier. Collagen is an essential element to hair and nails. When the body has abundant collagen, hair and nails grow faster and thicker.
  5. Higher metabolism. When the body has more lean muscle mass than fat, you enjoy a higher metabolism. If you eat fewer calories than the metabolism burns, you will lose weight. The higher the metabolism, the easier it is to do this without damaging your body. Higher metabolism is one of the many benefits people experience when using lose and snooze.
There are many benefits to getting a little more collagen (the active ingredient in lose and snooze)  in your body. In many ways, collagen is one of the elements of the elusive “fountain of youth.” It helps you build muscle, which increases metabolism, and in the meantime helps you look more beautiful by keeping your skin, hair, and nails radiant. What is better than that?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Get Your Body Ready For Summer Clothes and Activity With Loose and Snooze

Summertime’s hot sun and long warm nights make sleeves and slacks feel like torture. For lots of people, summertime is about showing a little skin – that is unless you are self-conscious about your body.

If that describes you, we hope that you do not feel that you have to suffer in long sleeves and slacks! In fact, we discovered an amazing way to help you lose weight. The best part is that it works while you sleep, putting your body’s natural systems to work for your benefit.

This amazing supplement is called Lose and Snooze. It works by turning on your body’s natural processes to build lean muscle, and has the added benefit of helping you sleep better.
Imagine being able to go outside and feel confident in a tank top and shorts! Not only will you feel a whole lot cooler, but you can finally enjoy getting a little sun without feeling awkward. I bet you are wondering how Lose and Snooze works. Well, here is a topline overview:

  • Builds lean muscle mass. Lose and Snooze contains collagen, which is an essential compound in muscles. As the body ages it absorbs and produces less collagen, which is why it is harder to build muscle when you are older. Lose and Snooze is also enhanced with E2, which helps the body to absorb and utilize the collagen right away. 
  • Tryptophan corrects sleep cycles by inducing a chemical reaction in the brain that makes you a little tired. Sleep is vital to building lean muscle because during REM your body literally rebuilds and repairs itself. 
  • Keep those ligaments flexible with collagen. Summertime calls for outdoor activities like frisbee, picnics, and games of catch in the yard. Collagen also helps to rebuild ligaments, which keeps you moving and feeling good!
If you have tried everything to lose weight and are frustrated by your results, try Lose and Snooze this summer.

I have to tell you that it has done amazing things for me. I am so much more comfortable in my own skin and have no shame about wearing sundresses, tank tops and shorts. I share Lose and Snooze with you because I want you to feel the same way!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Put Your Metabolism to Work as you Lose and Snooze.

You know how after Thanksgiving dinner you feel all snuggly and cuddly – maybe you just want to take a quick nap? Well, there is a reason for that and it is even a scientific reason!


One of the amino acids naturally found in many proteins is called tryptophan. Tryptophan is something the body needs but is unable to produce. Tryptophan is found in many of the foods you eat. Rich sources tryptophan includes turkey, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

When tryptophan is synthesized in the body, it creates a variety of beneficial results. It produces serotonin which helps to control your appetite and makes you feel good. It also contributes to feeling drowsy, especially when consumed with some carbohydrates.

Another interesting thing that tryptophan does is manage appetite. One of the reasons nutritionists recommend higher amounts of protein is that it contains tryptophan. Without tryptophan, the body does not produce serotonin, which in turn can result in increased hunger. Increasing tryptophan intake can be a good way to make your body work for you as you lose and snooze.


Collagen is another amino acid the body needs to function. Collagen is found in hair, nails, skin, ligaments, discs, and connective tissues. It is also a large component of lean muscle mass. As we age, our body produces less and less collagen. That is why skin wrinkles, muscles diminish, and joints suffer with age.

Fortunately, collagen is easy for the body to absorb when it is taken as a supplement. Increasing collagen intake gives the body the building blocks it needs to regenerate muscle.

Lose and snooze is an exciting nutrition supplement that includes both tryptophan and collagen. In short, it helps you sleep better and as you sleep your muscles rebuild themselves with the collagen it contains. It is a magical experience. Click here to learn more about loose and snooze.