Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Tie-Ins Between Sleep and Weight Loss

Did you know that the quality and amount of sleep you get impact your weight? It is absolutely true. For so many reasons, people who have healthy sleep cycles also tend to have healthy weight. Why is this? Why is it that sleep plays such an important role in weight? Scientists have uncovered some specific tie-ins and are working to reveal the rest of the reasons why some people can “lose and snooze.”

Tiredness Leads to Temptation

Think about it, when you are tired, do you crave delicious junk foods? Do you tend to sit comforting (and calorie-ridden) mochas and lattes? When the body is tired, it sends signals to the brain that it needs a little something extra to get through the day. The brain interprets this as the perfect excuse to indulge in high-calorie, low-nutrition junk foods.
In addition, when it is sleep deprived, the body does not produce the hormone leptin, which helps the brain to recognize that you have eaten enough. In effect, not getting enough sleep basically shuts down the body’s regulatory processes and turns you into an all-you-can-eat machine.

The Body is Busy During Sleep

During the third and fourth stages of sleep, the body repairs soft tissues such as muscles. In addition, blood supply to muscles increases, delivering the vital nutrients muscles need. Also during this stage, essential hormones enter the system, including those that facilitate muscle rebuilding. Metabolism does drop slightly during sleep, when the body is physically inactive. However, average metabolism actually increases due to regulated hormones and more muscle mass.

What is Lose and Snooze?

During deep sleep cycles, the nutrition supplement, Lose and Snooze, does its magical work. It works off the body’s natural processes that occur during sleep to help the body rebuild muscle as well as enjoy a healthy deep sleep cycle. When people try lose and snooze, they sleep longer and deeper, which allows muscles to rebuild and increases metabolism.
In addition, getting enough sleep also helps to reduce temptation to eat junk foods and increase production of leptin, which tells you to stop eating. It is a win-win solution that often results in natural, healthy weight loss.

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