Thursday, January 9, 2014

How Sleep Helps Weight Loss and Muscle Growth

Everyone knows that we get tired and that we need sleep. We all know that not sleeping is dangerous for several reasons, as well as generally uncomfortable. But, when you actually lay down for a nap, or a restful eight-hour doze, what is your body actually doing?

The science of why we sleep isn’t fully understood, but we know that nearly every species of animal has some version of a sleep cycle and that, without it, there can be inconvenient or disastrous effects. Although science is just now beginning to really understand sleep, there are some well-founded ideas about sleep.

Sleep Heals Wounds

There’s an old saying that “time heals all wounds.” This seems to be especially true if that time is spent sleeping. It has been found that burns and other minor injuries heal significantly faster while asleep than while awake. This also translates directly into becoming lean and cut. How? Because when wounds heal, muscles that have been worked out tend to heal as well.

When you work out there are little tears in the fibers of the muscle that need to be healed. While you sleep, just like with any other wound, your muscles heal significantly faster. Adding the extra aid of a collagenweight loss product can help as well as it promotes restful sleep and natural muscle growth

Sleep Builds the Immune System

Your immune system is what keeps your body health enough to work and play another day. Without it, everyone would be sick all the time. Depriving yourself of sleep can wreak havoc on your immune system. In studies on people it has been found that sleep deprivation can reduce your all-important white blood cells by 20%. As your white blood cells are like the guardians of your body, it’s imperative that they are there to do their jobs well.

Sleep Helps Regulate Metabolism

Metabolism is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but in essence, it means any process in your body that converts or uses energy. If you’re not using or converting energy, it gets stored in some unfortunate ways. Sleeping allows you to regulate your body’s use, conversion, and restoration of energy. Products like Lose andSnooze weight loss supplement are able to help your body spike your metabolic rate partially through the supplement itself, and partially through building muscle, which will increase your metabolic rate to significantly healthier levels.

So make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to get enough sleep. It’s just as important as exercising and eating right but there’s the added benefit of being able to sleep while you lose weight and get in shape!

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