Thursday, January 30, 2014

Foods Low in Fat and High in Protein

There are plenty of high protein foods on the market. The problem is that many of them also are high in fats that you may be trying to reduce. From a health standpoint, eating more fats than proteins isn’t usually the healthiest option. And, when it comes to your looks, you’ll never get a ripped, hard body if there is an extra layer of fat that you simply can’t get rid of. While collagen weightloss products can help stimulate muscle growth and fat loss while you sleep, it’s in your best interest to jump start that process with a healthy diet that has a good amount of protein in it. But what foods are there with high protein content but low fat?

Turkey Breast

Turkey breasts are amazing sources of protein with very little fat. In fact, the ratio of protein to fat can be around 15-to-one. Using it as a replacement for many of your favorite, fatty meats, can really throw your weight loss progress into overdrive. Consider, for instance, that you can replace many meats in turkey meatloaf, turkey sandwiches, and turkey burgers for a much healthier option.

Egg Whites

While eggs are barely higher in protein than in fat, egg whites are protein gold mines that contain a nearly negligible amount of fat. Conceivably egg whites can reliably replace eggs in nearly any breakfast recipe for a huge boost of protein (and energy) while weeding out almost all of the fat.


Salmon, while not boasting the otherworldly protein to fat ratios as the previous two, packs a protein-filled punch. Salmon inherently comes with a few other nutritional benefits such as being low in sodium and high in potassium (for a fish). However, it also comes with various culinary benefits, such as being an amazingly versatile food that is perfect for breakfast in dishes like eggs benedict, lunch sandwiches, or dinner plates where it can simply be prepared by itself and accompanied by some hearty veggies.


Edamame isn’t just a sushi restaurant staple any longer. Edamame is a delicious food that you can easily pick up from your local grocery store, prepare with any number of spices, and eat. They’re even easy to bring with you for an on-the-go snack. While tasty and easy to transport, edamame is also a snack food that has almost two times as much protein as fat.

Chicken Breast

Everyone knows about the wonders of the chicken breast with a significant amount of protein with very little fat. Everyone also knows about how versatile this staple food is. Why don’t people love to eat it? It likely comes down to just preparing it plain next to boring, lifeless vegetables. The next time you make chicken, make sure to elevate the flavors with some seasonings (like sprigs of rosemary) and incorporate vegetables into the meal instead of just having them as required eating. You can love that chicken breast again if you put the effort in.

By increasing the protein and decreasing the fat in your diet with these five wonderfoods, you’ll be able to take the effectiveness of your Loseand Snooze weight loss supplement to new heights and watch the pounds melt away.

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