Friday, June 21, 2013

2 Surprising Risks of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is vital to your health. When you do not get enough sleep, all body functions suffer. Long-term sleep deprivation has a number of negative effects on health and life.  While short-term sleep deprivation has minimal effects, over the long term it becomes destructive. Here are some of the risks of not getting enough sleep.

Weight Gain

This surprises people, but it is true. Sleep deprivation may be the underlying cause of the obesity epidemic because so few people actually get enough sleep.  When you sleep, the body produces serotonin, a compound that regulates mood and appetite. Without enough serotonin, you eat too much because there is nothing to tell you that you are full.

Lose andsnooze is a collagen weight loss product that stimulates the body’s production of serotonin with tryptophan. The collagen in the weight loss product helps build muscle during sleep. The result? A leaner you, a more restful night’s sleep, and plenty of serotonin production.

Career Damage

These days, it is crucial to maintain high performance at your job. When you do not get enough sleep, you make mistakes and are cranky. Mental acuity decreases, and no matter how many cups of coffee you have, you will still not be as sharp as a person who gets enough sleep.  If the deprivation is a long-term problem, it will only get worse. Your boss and co-workers will take notice and eventually you will lose opportunities, possibly even get yourself fired.

Lose and snooze contains tryptophan and helps you sleepand lose weight. Being rested and looking
healthy will help you to perform your job better.

When the body is rested, it is easier to maintain a healthy weight, energy levels, mood, and mental acuity. The positive effects of ample sleep are gateways to health and happiness.  If you are having trouble getting enough sleep and it is causing you to gain weight or endangering your job, try a collagenweight loss product with tryptophan, like lose and snooze.

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