Friday, May 3, 2013

Put Your Metabolism to Work as you Lose and Snooze.

You know how after Thanksgiving dinner you feel all snuggly and cuddly – maybe you just want to take a quick nap? Well, there is a reason for that and it is even a scientific reason!


One of the amino acids naturally found in many proteins is called tryptophan. Tryptophan is something the body needs but is unable to produce. Tryptophan is found in many of the foods you eat. Rich sources tryptophan includes turkey, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

When tryptophan is synthesized in the body, it creates a variety of beneficial results. It produces serotonin which helps to control your appetite and makes you feel good. It also contributes to feeling drowsy, especially when consumed with some carbohydrates.

Another interesting thing that tryptophan does is manage appetite. One of the reasons nutritionists recommend higher amounts of protein is that it contains tryptophan. Without tryptophan, the body does not produce serotonin, which in turn can result in increased hunger. Increasing tryptophan intake can be a good way to make your body work for you as you lose and snooze.


Collagen is another amino acid the body needs to function. Collagen is found in hair, nails, skin, ligaments, discs, and connective tissues. It is also a large component of lean muscle mass. As we age, our body produces less and less collagen. That is why skin wrinkles, muscles diminish, and joints suffer with age.

Fortunately, collagen is easy for the body to absorb when it is taken as a supplement. Increasing collagen intake gives the body the building blocks it needs to regenerate muscle.

Lose and snooze is an exciting nutrition supplement that includes both tryptophan and collagen. In short, it helps you sleep better and as you sleep your muscles rebuild themselves with the collagen it contains. It is a magical experience. Click here to learn more about loose and snooze.

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