Stress is a leading cause of weight gain and health problems. Modern stressors are things like worries about money for retirement and horrific acts of violence like the Boston Marathon Bombing. Though most of us effectively deal with these stressors in the conscious mind, they do impact our body’s internal processes on levels that are difficult to understand. In short, these stressors reduce quality of sleep which leads to a range of damaging health conditions, including weight gain.
When we put on weight, we lose lean muscle mass, which in turn reduces metabolism, which then perpetuates weight gain. It is a vicious cycle that is challenging to stop. Sure, you can try to exercise more, but it is difficult to carve out a couple extra days at the gym when you take care of a family and work a full-time job.
There is hope though. The lose and snooze supplement includes both collagen and tryptophan to help you lose weight as you sleep.
Collagen and tryptophan are naturally occurring compounds that help to address the problem of getting enough sleep and consequential weight gain. Collagen is the naturally occurring protein that is responsible for creating lean muscle, flexible ligaments, and resilient skin. Tryptophan is the sleep inducing compound found in turkey that is responsible for making everybody dose off after Thanksgiving.
Lose and snooze combines these two compounds and enhances it with Electron Energized Technology to increase your body’s acceptance and utilization of these beneficial compounds.
Lose and snooze has helped me lose weight. I have to tell you that I feel incredible when I wake up in the morning because I got a good night’s rest! Like magic, I am getting my figure back! If you want to get your figure back and get a better night sleep, try lose and snooze today.
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