Thursday, April 25, 2013

Turning Back Time with Lose and Snooze

One thing is certain, in this life there is never such a thing as too much sleep. Most Americans are sleep deprived, which contributes to a wide range of health problems.

Why is Sleep Elusive?

There are many reasons why people do not get enough sleep. One of the main drivers is stress. Even though most people deal with stress pretty well, it still impacts sleep. Whether it keeps people awake at night, or whether it simply diminishes the quality of REM sleep, stress is a key driver of sleep deprivation.

Sleep and Health

Sleep is crucial to health. When sleeping, the body relaxes, de-stresses, and heals itself. Another activity that the body engages in during sleep is tissue repair. Relaxation and tissue repair are why the body almost always feels better in the morning.

When sleep is insufficient, it causes health problems like weight gain. If the body is not allowed sufficient REM cycles, it cannot rebuild lean muscle and other body tissues. Over time, this reduces metabolism which leads to weight gain.

Lose and Snooze

Lose and snooze is a concept-turned-holistic-therapy designed to help you sleep better and lose weight at the same time. The supplement uses tryptophan and collagen to encourage sleep and rebuilding of lean muscle tissues.

Collagen is an essential compound the body produces naturally. As we age, the body produces less and less of it which makes it hard to maintain vital muscle tissues. Tryptophan is the compound in turkey that makes everybody doze off after Thanksgiving.

Lose and snooze brings these two compounds together with an Electron Energized Technology that increases absorption of collagen and tryptophan. The result is that you sleep better and experience a longer REM cycle. The body has time and resources to rebuild lean muscle mass, which increases metabolism – leading to rapid weight loss!

Lose and snooze is much more than a dreamy concept – it is what actually happens when you use the supplement! Learn more about this incredible supplement – click here. You will love the fact that you are sleeping better AND losing weight at the same time. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weight-loss Benefits of Collagen and Tryptophan

As we age, our bodies deal with increasing amounts of stress generated by our unhealthy environment. It causes us to put on weight. Even when we exercise, eat right, and do all the things we’re supposed to do, the weight creeps on. It is a frustrating situation because we have been told that if we eat right and exercise, we will retain our youthful bodies.

Stress is a leading cause of weight gain and health problems. Modern stressors are things like worries about money for retirement and horrific acts of violence like the Boston Marathon Bombing. Though most of us effectively deal with these stressors in the conscious mind, they do impact our body’s internal processes on levels that are difficult to understand. In short, these stressors reduce quality of sleep which leads to a range of damaging health conditions, including weight gain.

When we put on weight, we lose lean muscle mass, which in turn reduces metabolism, which then perpetuates weight gain. It is a vicious cycle that is challenging to stop. Sure, you can try to exercise more, but it is difficult to carve out a couple extra days at the gym when you take care of a family and work a full-time job.

There is hope though. The lose and snooze supplement includes both collagen and tryptophan to help you lose weight as you sleep.

Collagen and tryptophan are naturally occurring compounds that help to address the problem of getting enough sleep and consequential weight gain. Collagen is the naturally occurring protein that is responsible for creating lean muscle, flexible ligaments, and resilient skin. Tryptophan is the sleep inducing compound found in turkey that is responsible for making everybody dose off after Thanksgiving.

Lose and snooze combines these two compounds and enhances it with Electron Energized Technology to increase your body’s acceptance and utilization of these beneficial compounds.

Lose and snooze has helped me lose weight. I have to tell you that I feel incredible when I wake up in the morning because I got a good night’s rest! Like magic, I am getting my figure back! If you want to get your figure back and get a better night sleep, try lose and snooze today.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why You Should Try Lose and Snooze

Did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to a long list of other health problems?

Sleep is paramount to human health. It is the time when we regenerate our bodies, heal what ails us, and let our stresses go. People who do not get enough sleep often have trouble with weight, get sick more often, develop chronic condition such as diabetes, heart problems, and much more.

Unfortunately, most people do not get enough sleep and that is why so many people have chronic health problems, including weight issues.

So when people are wondering how to lose weight, one of the first things they should look at is how much sleep they get. It is possible to lose and snooze at the same time; in fact, it is very natural. 

When you sleep, your body does not actually rest, it goes into rebuilding mode.
One of the things the body rebuilds during sleep is lean muscle mass, which is important to your metabolism. A body with lots of lean muscle has a higher metabolism than a body with an equal amount of fat.

For many people, diet and exercise are not enough to stimulate the sort of weight loss they need to see to stay motivated. That is why people are turning to Lose and Snooze.

Lose and Snooze works by stimulating the body’s natural processes of sleep and rebuilding. It contains a potent combination of tryptophan to help you sleep, collagen to help you rebuild muscle mass, l-carnitine to help you metabolize fat, and aloe to detox and soothe your entire system. The formula is enriched with E2 technology to increase absorption of the vital nutrients.

Once you are asleep the collagen goes to work to stimulate lean muscle mass, which improves your physique and turns up your metabolism. If you are looking for a way to jumpstart weight loss, consider trying Lose and Snooze - it will help you sleep and feel better.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Be Well and Lose Weight with Lose and Snooze

The body is a simple system, needing just a few things to operate and be at its very best:

  • Ample Sleep
  • Ample Nutrition
  • Plenty Of Physical Activity

If you are like most people, you probably struggle to get all three. Even people that look overtly healthy struggle with at least one of these needs. This is why so many people are overweight and suffering from poor health - they are not tending to their basic needs!

One of the most exciting discoveries is that you can actually help yourself sleep and lose weight at the same time! Indeed you canlose and snooze” your way to better health complete with a lean, sexy body.

Lose and Snooze is an amazing new supplement that improves health by helping you sleep while stimulating the growth of lean muscle mass. It works by encouraging natural sleep cycles with tryptophan, and then stimulating lean muscle production with collagen and aloe vera.

Sleep is the top need for the body and one of the hardest needs for people to meet. Between long hours, high stress levels, kids, and other obligations, sleep is the last thing on many people’s lists.

Lose and snooze helps you make sleep a top priority and has the added benefit of helping your body regenerate itself from the inside out. You will wake up feeling more vibrant and healthy. In just a short period of time you will notice more tone in your body as your lean muscle mass increases.

With more muscle comes a long, sustained increase in metabolism. It is like a positive snowball effect; once started, you will continue to lose weight and slim down, even if you cannot always get enough exercise or eat right.

Feel the change in yourself by trying Lose and Snooze. You’ll love how much younger and energetic you feel and your body will thank you for the extra sleep with a toned physique.