The relationship between metabolism and sleeping is more important than you might realize. Your body goes through a continual change – because this is actually the meaning of metabolism, change – and the nature of this change is responsible for your health. Nowadays, many people suffer from sleep disorders that cause a decline in their overall quality of life. Oftentimes, sleep deprivation is accompanied by an increase of body mass index (BMI), which means that your body stores more fat than it used to. You start wondering why and try to find a solution.
Eating Habits and Sleep Deprivation
Eating habits change when people don’t get enough sleep. Studies indicate that sleep deprivation is associated with dangerous changes in our organisms, including a decreased level of leptin and an increased level of ghrelin, which are the two hormones responsible for appetite control. The first one functions as an inhibitor, whereas the second one is responsible for an increase in energy consumption. A lower level of leptin can increase hunger, and we start eating more. Studies show that people who are sleep deprived tend to eat foods with high carbohydrate content, such as sweets and salty foods, to compensate for the lack of energy. But they don’t get more stamina. Instead, they gain more pounds. Is there a solution to this worrying problem?
One Workable Solution – Lose and Snooze
Many people are constantly trying to live better by buying wonder products while they continue living the same lifestyle full of risks. If you’re experiencing sleep problems accompanied by weight gain, you may have already tried many different weight loss supplements, herbal or
nutrition supplements, but the extra pounds are still there and your sleep hasn’t improved. Nutrition and sleep are the first steps toward a healthier life. Eight hours of sleep a night and a balanced diet are what you need. But it’s easier said than done. Fortunately, evidence shows that there is a remarkably simple solution to your weight loss problem that can work during sleep, provided that you sleep.
Loose and Snooze is an innovative product that contains three active ingredients: liquid collagen, E2 and tryptophan. Collagen is a protein that keeps most of our tissues from falling apart. It works by reversing the muscle damage. While we are sleeping, our body takes the collagen, easily absorbed thanks to the E2, present in no other nutritional supplements, and reconstructs the lean muscles. Liquid collagen is important because it ensures that fat is lost thanks to the preservation of the lean muscle mass. Lean muscles are responsible for burning energy; therefore, there won’t be much energy left to store as fat. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid in our diet. Due to the fact that the human organism cannot synthesize it, we must take it from food or nutritional supplements. This essential-for-life amino acid is a biochemical precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for our happiness.
What are the Benefits of Lose and Snooze?
The most important benefit of this
weight loss supplement is that your body will be turned into a machine that burns fat while you sleep. Collagen will reconstruct not only your muscles, but all of the other tissues of the body. Serotonin will give you the possibility of enjoying quality sleep, and stress levels will lower during daytime as well.